netcdf frf/projects/WaveShape/SuspendedSediment/ { dimensions: station_name_length = 57; time = UNLIMITED; // (266 currently) variables: double time(time=266); :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"; :standard_name = "time"; :long_name = "UTC Sample Time"; :calendar = "gregorian"; :short_name = "time"; :_ChunkSizes = 1000U; // uint double lat(time=266); :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = "degrees_north"; :standard_name = "latitude"; :long_name = "Latitude"; :short_name = "lat"; :_ChunkSizes = 266U; // uint double lon(time=266); :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = "degrees_east"; :standard_name = "longitude"; :long_name = "Longitude"; :short_name = "lon"; :_ChunkSizes = 266U; // uint double hoseVol; :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = "liters"; :long_name = "Volume of pump sample hose"; :short_name = "hoseVol"; char station_name(station_name_length=57, time=266); :units = ; :long_name = "station name"; :short_name = "station_name"; :_ChunkSizes = 57U, 266U; // uint double startTime(time=266); :short_name = "startTime"; :long_name = "Start time of pump sample collection"; :note = "This is the start of the bottle sample collection. To compare to sensor data, the time it took the sample to travel thru the hose needs to be accounted for (startTime - hoseVolume/pumprate)."; :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"; :_ChunkSizes = 266U; // uint double stopTime(time=266); :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"; :short_name = "stopTime"; :long_name = "Stop time of pump sample collection"; :note = "This is the end of the bottle sample collection. To compare to sensor data, the time it took the sample to travel thru the hose needs to be accounted for (stopTime - hoseVolume/pumprate)."; :_ChunkSizes = 266U; // uint double fines_SSC(time=266); :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = "g/l"; :short_name = "finesSSC"; :long_name = "fine sediment suspended solids concentration"; :note = "Determined by passing full sample thru 63 micron sieve, then subsampling and filtering known volume of subsample onto 934AH filter and drying at 90C for 24 hrs."; :_ChunkSizes = 266U; // uint double sand_SSC(time=266); :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = "g/l"; :short_name = "sandSSC"; :long_name = "sand sized sediment suspended solids concentration"; :note = "Determined by passing full sample thru 63 micron sieve and drying at 90C for 24 hrs."; :_ChunkSizes = 266U; // uint double fines_inorgSSC(time=266); :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = "g/l"; :short_name = "finesInorgSSC"; :long_name = "fine sediment inorganic suspended solids concentration"; :note = "Concentration left on SSC filter after muffling at 550 C for 4 hours."; :_ChunkSizes = 266U; // uint double sand_inorgSSC(time=266); :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = "g/l"; :short_name = "sandInorgSSC"; :long_name = "sand sized inorganic sediment suspended solids concentration"; :note = "Concentration left of sieved sand sample after muffling at 550 C for 4 hours."; :_ChunkSizes = 266U; // uint double fines_orgSSC(time=266); :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = "g/l"; :short_name = "finesOrgSSC"; :long_name = "fine sediment organic suspended solids concentration"; :note = "Concentration lost on ignition of SSC filter from muffling at 550 C for 4 hours."; :_ChunkSizes = 266U; // uint double sand_orgSSC(time=266); :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = "g/l"; :short_name = "sandOrgSSC"; :long_name = "sand sized organic sediment suspended solids concentration"; :note = "Concentration lost on ignition of sieved sand sample after muffling at 550 C for 4 hours."; :_ChunkSizes = 266U; // uint double fines_orgFrac(time=266); :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = ; :short_name = "finesOrgFrac"; :long_name = "fine sediment organic fraction"; :note = "Ratio of mass loss on ignition to total sample mass."; :_ChunkSizes = 266U; // uint double sand_orgFrac(time=266); :_FillValue = -999.99; // double :units = ; :short_name = "sandOrgFrac"; :long_name = "sand sized organic fraction"; :note = "Ratio of mass loss on ignition to total sample mass."; :_ChunkSizes = 266U; // uint // global attributes: :cdm_data_type = "Point"; :featureType = "point"; :title = "FRF Wave Shape 6.1, Suspended sediment concentration data"; :summary = "Suspended sediment concentrations data collected at the USACE Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL), Field Research Facility (FRF) in Duck, NC. These data were collected in the Atlantic Ocean at numerous stations in the surf zone in Nov 2016, Jan 2017, Apr 2017, Sep 2017, and Oct 2017. Data were collected with a pump sampler with intake port mounted between 0.1 and 0.5 meters above the seabed on the Coastal Research Amphibious Buggy (CRAB) along with a suite acoustic and optical sensors. The CRAB occupied numerous stations near the break point in the surf zone on each field day. Stations were typically occupied for 30 minutes. Pump samples were collected aboard the CRAB. They were first passed through a 63 micron sieve to collect the sand fraction. The suspension that passed through the sieve was then subsampled and an aliquot was collected on a 934 AH preweighed filter to quantify the fine fraction. Both the fine and sand fraction was dried then weighed to quantify the fine and sand SSC. After being weighed, the samples were muffled for 4 hours at 550C to determine the mass LOI. A single .nc file was created for the cumulative data set.\n"; :history = "USACE/FRF"; :source = "In situ observations from Waveshape_SSCsamplingddmmyy.mat"; :sourceUrl = "(local files)"; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CFv25"; :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, CF-1.6"; :metadata_link = "N/A"; :Conventions = "CF-1.6"; :creator_name = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :creator_url = ""; :creator_email = ""; :license = "These data may be redistributed and used without restriction. Data are intended for scholarly use by the research community, with the express agreement that users will properly acknowledge the USACE Field Research Facility and the supporting investigator(s). Use or reproduction of these data for commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission."; :keywords_vocabulary = "Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Earth Science Keywords; CF Standard Name Table (v23, 23 March 2013)"; :keywords = "Oceans > Suspended sediment > SSC > LOI > Physical sample, DOD > DOD/USARMY/USACE/CHL/FRF > Field Research Facility, Coastal And Hydraulics Laboratory, U. S. Army Corps Of Engineers, U.S. Army, U. S. Department Of Defense\n"; :processing = "post process"; :organization = "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC), Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL), Observation and Analysis Branch (COAB)"; :publisher_url = ""; :infoUrl = ""; :publisher_email = ""; :publisher_name = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :format_version = "v1.0"; :institution = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :contact = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :contact_info = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :contact_role = "Owner"; :contributor_name = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :contributor_role = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :naming_authority = "FRF"; :origin = "USACE/CHL/COAB"; :date_created = "2018-08-09"; :date_issued = "2018-08-09"; :project = "USACE/FRF observations"; :id = "FRF-ocean_WaveShape_ABS"; :acknowledgement = "Data are provided by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Duck, NC."; :processing_level = "L1"; :geospatial_vertical_units = "m"; :geospatial_vertical_resolution = 0.0; // double :geospatial_vertical_min = -6.0; // double :geospatial_vertical_max = 1.0; // double :geospatial_vertical_origin = "NAVD88"; :geospatial_vertical_positive = "up"; :geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north"; :geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east"; :nomDepth_units = "m"; :nomDepth = 1.0; // double :sensorHeightAboveBottom = 0.4; // double :hoseVolume = 2.85; // double :hoseVolume_units = "liters"; :hoseVolume_note = "Hose volume and pumping rate can be used to derive time offset between bottle sample collection and timing of sample intake. This offset should be acounted for when comparing to sensor data."; :comment = "Pump intake height above bottom varied from about 0.1 meters to 0.5 meters as CRAB sank into the bottom over time."; :geospatial_lat_min = 36.17886; // double :geospatial_lat_max = 36.1877; // double :geospatial_lon_min = -75.75068; // double :geospatial_lon_max = -75.74679259338221; // double :time_coverage_start = "18-Nov-2016 16:45:15"; :time_coverage_end = "26-Oct-2017 16:05:40"; :deployment_start = "18-Nov-2016 16:45:15"; :deployment_end = "26-Oct-2017 16:05:40"; }